Label printers
In order to determine what type of label printer is needed, it is important to know:
1.What size of labels/stickers shall be printed. Aproximate monthly printing volume. Knowing this makes it possible to calculate an estimate lenght of printed material in meters. Is a desktop printer going to cover it or there’s a need for a printer of an industrial caliber. Or perhaps, instead of one industrial class printer, two desktop printers with different size labels and individually equipped are more suitable, so that printing wouldn’t stop even if one of the devices needs repairing.
2.Need to think of how much text is going to be there on the label. Printers usually print at resolution of 203dpi, 300dpi and 600dpi. The most popular are those at 203dpi, but if the need is to print a lot of text in small font, you ought to look for a printer with higher resolution.
3.How lasting do the labels need to be. It can vary from one day to several days, to months or even years. Printers are divided per printing method. Printers using direct thermal printing method are capable of printing only on specific thermal material (Thermal Eco, Thermal Top). These type of tapes have rather short life span, usually used for soon-to-expire products at grocery stores, or parcel services. The other method is known as thermal-transfer print. Labels printed by using this method will serve longer, for the print will have more persistence. You will be able to print on papaer and plastic labels. This print method also prolongs the life cycle of the thermal printhead.
4.The following criteria also need to be evaluated: how fast do you need it to print, environment where it is going to be set up (hot, cold, dusty), what is the connection in use (USB, LAN, RS232, other).
5.Label printers can also be upgraded with certain additional features, for example:
- Label cutter – option to cut off the label tape after each unit printed or after a certain unit count printed;
- Label roller – this feature allows to gather all the printed labels in a roll for easier moving;
- Automatic applicators – this device gets connected to a production line, it will place the label on the needed product by itself, without using hands;
- Manual applicators – by using the applicator for label rolls, it is more convenient and faster to label more product by hand.

We will help you choose the most suitable solution
Taking into consideration all of these criteria, we will advise on the most appropriate label printer for you. A free of charge label/sticker design and print software is offered along with every printer device. We will also support you with choosing the right tape materials. For our most demanding customers we offer customized label printing solutions. Get in touch with us!
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We offer
Economy class printers
Intended for low volume. Small sized rolls of labels and thermal tapes can be used with these printers. Printer components are mainly of plastic. They are not meant for use in adverse environment conditions, as well as for non-stop use under a huge (industrial) workload.
Middle class printers
These printers are for semi-large workload. More of the moving parts of a printer are made out of metal, also bigger sized rolls of labels and coloring tapes can be used, which in turn means less often reloading.
Industrial class printers
All the moving parts for these printers are made out of resistant steel and there are bearings used in printer mechanisms. These printers are made for tough environmental conditions (cold, dusty, hot). Huge sized rolls of labels can be used on these printers and it is much more easier and faster to change them up. It is possible to keep them working almost non-stop.
Portable printers
These printers are most suitable when printing of a label or a sticker needs to be done whilst moving around the premises of your company site or outside. A chargable battery is installed in the printer and you can strap it to your waist belt. These printers come with a WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity features and data transfer exchange with your work desk computer, server or a portable data terminal. These type of printers are not intended for larg volumes. It can carry a rather small amount/size material tape.
Specialized printers
Specialized printers are designedf or much more specific tasks and serve to meet particular needs, such as printing colored labels, various types of wristbands, manufacturing plastic cards, cardboard and textile tags, as well as for marking purposes.